
Companies need to consider In house software development vs Outsourcing because they both have their own pros and cons. In-house development is the approach of employing an internal team to develop software products while outsourcing development is the process of hiring a third-party company to assemble a team of specialists depending on the project requirement. It is important to note that every approach has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice should be made based on the specifics of the project and the company.

In house software development refers to a situation where all the software is developed within a company with full-time developers being under the company’s direct management. This approach gives complete flexibility in the software development to maintain high standards for its company and to keep the intellectual property for the end result. But to do that the company must have the required equipment and software tools.

When comparing in house software development vs outsourcing software development,  the latter is a practice where specific software development activities or projects are delegated to third-party contractors. This model is adopted by those companies which do not possess the competency and funds to develop software independently; this provides a vast resource pool of developers with relevant competence and efficient cost control.

IT Outsourcing: Quick Statistics

As per recent survey, investment in IT outsourcing is anticipated to be around $512.60 billion in 2024; it will go up to $777.80 billion by 2028

IT Outsourcing Growth Stats

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment growth in the USA is projected to grow by 31% in 2026. 

According to the Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey 2022, 76% of global executives used third-party models for outsourcing IT services. This indicates that outsourcing is very popular especially when it comes to handling IT related services in different organizations.

IT Outsourcing Stats

Let’s dive into understanding the key facts on In house Vs Outsource development approach

What Is In-House Software Development?

In-house software development means building a team from the ground up involving the selection of individuals to fill specific roles based on certain qualifications. Some organizations, like Amazon and PayPal, hire in-house developers to have full control over the project, although the process could be more costly. This process includes recruitment of potential candidates, having interview sessions with the candidates and administration of the initial contracts. 

The management of business organizations is responsible for sourcing the candidates, interviewing and placing them depending on the skills and experience required in the project. Full-time software developers employed within a particular organization work under a set pay structure, insurance, benefits and a pension plan. 

When talking about In house Software Development Vs Outsourcing approach, in in-house software development, business leaders have direct control over the developers and are fully accountable for providing resources to them with requisite office premises, facilities, computer hardware, and software tools. Possibly, it can be effective for startups aimed at the delivery of IT products.

Pros of In-House Software Development

  • Aligns with company culture: In-house development ensures that the team members work within the culture of the startup and deliver results.
  • Provides direct communication: The in-house teams function for the same company so the teams are able to discuss issues face-to-face and there are no delays during the conversations.
  • Offers immediate support: The in-house can easily work on the shortcomings of the software product development as compared to outsourced teams that might take time to respond.
  • Provides complete control: The complete control over the development process is in the hands of business leaders. It allows them to supervise, monitor, and make changes in the process.
  • Enhanced collaboration: The in-house developers have a number of benefits such as common work space, easy communication and, therefore, daily direct interactions with other developers.
  • Enhances corporate culture: In-house developers are in corporate environments and should leverage their status in corporate events and team-building exercises to address corporate culture.
  • Protects Intellectual Property: Analyzing in house software development vs outsourcing, the in-house development has the benefit of IP rights protection though the organizations must adopt security measures for IP rights, patents, trademarks, and the copyrights.
  • Facilitates Customization: One advantage of having an in-house team is that it can optimize the software to the needs and goals of the organization.
  • Encourages Continuous Improvement: Application: The information can be integrated in real-time and hence teams can improve and build upon the software.
  • Ensures Alignment with Business Goals: The internal teams work with business managers and ensure that their development processes align with their business needs.

Cons of In-House Software Development

  • High cost of hiring an in-house team: When it comes to in house software development vs outsourcing, the cost of the in-house software developer is higher as it includes expenses, such as medical, annual leave, and sickness allowance costs, insurance and social security, recruitment, and staff training costs.
  • High turnover rate: The availability of good talent in the IT field means that they are easily lured by other firms, hence high turnover rates. Such a situation may require companies to provide better offers, increase payroll, or risk losing good members of their team.
  • Upskilling the team: This means training is a never-ending process as well as investing in new tools and equipment always becomes part of the IT industry.
  • Adapting New Technologies: When it comes to in house software development vs outsourcing, it becomes evident that in-house teams may often fall behind when it comes to the adoption of certain emerging technologies to be used while developing software, which often can be adopted by their outsourcing team.
  • Recruitment process: Demands considerable efforts and can be realized only through the assistance of a recruitment agency. Companies should also provide stable employment and a suitable salary for their in-house developers.
  • Limited talent pool: In relation to in house software development vs outsourcing, companies often struggle to find the right talent to fill their open positions in tech.
  • Scaling challenge: The continuity of the recruitment process puts stress on the in-house teams to optimize the current team in order to accomplish the organizational objectives. Hence, an organization uses many resources during the recruitment process.
  • Inefficiencies and delays: Companies that fail to increase employment when possible or decrease staff when there is overemployment realize that during product development they are slow and inefficient.
  • Management Overhead: Internal team practice can be reputable and come along with several issues that revolve around its management and general organization.
  • Infrastructure Costs: Expenses related to providing its in-house team with the necessary infrastructure support, including office space, hardware, and software, are also additional expenses.

Also Read : Nearshore vs. In-house Software Development

When to Use In-House Software Development?

  • Budget-friendly: In terms of in house software development vs outsourcing, hiring an in-house team provides benefits if your company has the required resources as the company can address the risks easily.
  • Full control: The in-house teams ensure timely decision-making and problem-solving since they are always within the organization.
  • Post-release stage: While choosing between a software outsourcing approach, startups utilize it for MVP development but gather an in-house team to deal with the aftermath.
  • Owning an IT infrastructure: If you are the owner of an IT product company and want to expand your business, it is better to recruit a new team instead of recruiting a development outsourcing agency.
  • Long-Term Projects: In the matter of in house software development vs outsourcing costs like rental fees, salaries, and taxes, hiring a professional team in-house in a long-term project can turn out to be cheaper in the long run.
  • Security Concerns: When data security and confidentiality are an issue, there is more control of such matters as security and intellectual property within the organization.
  • Cultural Fit: Having an in-house team with the same organizational culture promotes cooperation, increases spirits and productivity of the team at work.
  • Customization and Flexibility: The advantage of developing applications in-house is that there is much more creativity and freedom when fitting that project to some novel concept or business requirement.
  • Proprietary Technology: If you plan on building a technology or software that gives your business a competitive edge, it is safer and easier to manage in-house.
  • Continuous Improvement: Since the development is in-house, teams can also enhance and alter the software, based upon feedback and market needs, and grow in the most effective manner.

What is Outsourcing Software Development?

The outsourcing of the software development entails contracting out a third-party service provider to provide software development solutions to an organization in terms of design, implementation, or maintenance of software as well as the management of business processes.

With respect to in house vs outsource software development, the IT outsourcing model is appropriate for start-ups and businesses that have limited development teams because it allows for the involvement of outside talent, resources and equipment. It helps firms to reduce costs, recruit skilled human capital and introduce new products into the market faster making outsourcing conventional among organizations.

Pros of Outsourcing Software Development

Outsourcing can be defined as the strategy of delegating a business process to a different company, whether locally or globally, for a certain amount of time and at a certain cost. Below are the benefits of outsourcing software development:-

  • Cost-Effectiveness: In terms of in house software development vs outsourcing software development, one of the advantages of outsourcing is cost because it is cheaper, especially in the developing countries; the IT outsourcing companies bear all expenses such as the employees’ pension, insurance, and benefits, as well as infrastructure costs, and recruitment time.
  • Access to a Global Talent Pool: Outsourcing makes it possible for organizations to acquire experts from all over the world and this overlooks the time that managers spend going through the resumes in search of the right talent.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Outsourcing is an on-call service, which means that companies can easily scale their contract parameters, increasing or decreasing the number of outsourced personnel.
  • Access to a Wider Pool of Talent: Examining in house vs outsource software development, outsourcing helps to solve the problem of staff selection since it provides an opportunity to find a specialist all over the world and does not require spending time and money on training.
  • Scaling Up and Down: Outsourcing makes it easy for companies that engage in application and software development to flexibly scale up or down their workforce, especially during seasonal highs or lows.
  • Tried and Proven Delivery Processes: Outsourcing companies specialize in product delivery, they have better access to tools and technologies that the internal teams are not able to use because of the range of such projects and their experience.
  • Faster Time to Market: Outsourcing can also help speed up the development process and bring products to market in a shorter period of time than if the company had to rely solely on internal staff.
  • Focus on Core Activities: Outsourcing of non-strategic or non-critical processes helps organizations direct their energy and resources towards their core competency and key development objectives.
  • Risk Mitigation: Outsourcing providers usually have risk management procedures in order to address possible risks related to software development.
  • Access to Latest Technologies: Analyzing In house software development vs outsourcing software development, outsourcing partners are usually up-to-date with the latest developments including technologies and best practices in software development.

Cons of Outsourcing Software Development

  • Less Control: Outsourcing implies less control over the development, progress, and troubleshooting of the project, which results in lack of communication and, therefore, possible misunderstandings.
  • Communication and Cultural Barriers: Some of the challenges clients may experience include communication and culture because they speak a different language and are located in different time zones. Nevertheless, proper communication channels and collaboration methods can reduce these incidences.
  • Intellectual Property Protection: Considering in house software development vs outsourcing, outsourcing requires companies to share some or all of their sensitive company information with the outsourcing providers, which can be an issue of security and privacy. To address these risks, it is necessary to select the right outsourcing partner with a set security policies in place and sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).
  • Less Visibility Over the Development Process: Since companies may have less visibility into the process, it becomes challenging to monitor the advancement and ensure that the process follows the company’s guidelines and best practices.
  • Hidden Costs: As it relates to hidden In house software development vs outsourcing software development costs, outsourcing requires detailed information on engagement model, contract nature, reasonable estimates, and the reporting and billing terms.
  • Privacy and Security Concerns: With respect to In house software development vs outsourcing software development, outsourcing also brings few concerns related to privacy and security of sensitive information of the firm. Preventing risks include selection of appropriate outsourcing partners, the implementation of adequate security measures, and monitoring the data they possess.
  • Team Integration Challenges: Integration of the outsourced team into the existing organizational environment of the company might be problematic; this results in confusion and slowness.
  • Making the Right Choice with the Vendor: When choosing a reliable vendor, one gets experience, timely project creation, lack of bugs, data safety issues, and open communication.
  • Project Control: It is also possible to address project control concerns by discussing communication and reporting practices before starting projects and, where possible, involving project owners in developing them.
  • Sensitive Data Safety: It is advisable for any company involved in the provision of consultancy services to have its clients sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) before the initial consultation meeting given that there could be sensitive information and business reputation at stake.

Also Read : Pros and Cons of IT Outsourcing

When to Use Outsource Software Development?

  • Budget and Talent Constraints: Outsourcing has an advantage of flexibility in terms of the amount of money that a business can afford and the availability of talent in the market. It also saves time on long training processes and gives results as soon as possible.
  • Tight Launch Deadlines: If you need to launch a product quickly or don’t possess experience in software development, selecting an experienced IT vendor may be useful, so that you don’t have delays in deadlines.
  • Lack of Clarity: In terms of In house software development vs outsourcing software development, a remote team lead by a business manager can ensure that the needs of an organization from a certain project are well understood and meet the technical needs of the project when complicated IT solutions are being created.
  • Leveraging Specialized Skills: Outsourcing services provide the expertise in specific areas which are difficult to get in-house thus providing efficient and cheap means of completing services.
  • Flexibility and Scalability: Outsourcing provides a way to build core and reserve teams, and switch their size up and down as needed, without hiring and training, and also provides a way to reduce overhead expenses such as payroll and recruitment.
  • Quick Turnaround Times: Analyzing In house software development vs outsourcing software development, outsourcing enables fast deliveries which release internal staff for bigger jobs, do not have to deal with recruitment or training of new employees, and get a dedicated team for the best outcomes.

In House Software Development vs Outsourcing or go with the Hybrid approach

The model of integration of the in house software development and outsourcing approaches to business development provides more opportunities for choosing the optimal tactics of work. It becomes difficult to choose the ideal approach among In house vs Outsource vs hybrid development approach in case of certain activities that are competitive or key to your business. Thus, it is advisable to outsource the activities that lack experience or flexibility. 

There could be various aspects to consider while deciding in house software development vs outsourcing. Concentrate on the company’s growth and stabilization in the market and seek professional help in particular technologies or projects. This approach ensures that the development process is flexible and the user has a number of options to choose from.

  • Optimized Costs: Outsourcing allows you to decrease overall web app development costs of providing a certain service and can still preserve the impact on essential features to avoid over- or underemphasizing them.
  • Access to Expertise: It allows getting the necessary specialist for the particular task without the overall cost of attracting a professional for a permanent position.
  • Flexibility: A hybrid model is beneficial as it is flexible for an organization and can be expanded or downsized according to the project requirements without long-term management obligation.
  • Enhanced Focus: The internal corporate departments can focus on generating value to the company and achieving organizational targets and objectives, while outsourcing partners address specialized or non-strategic functions effectively.
  • Risk Mitigation: Considering in house software development vs outsourcing, outsourcing combined with in-house teams reduces risk as certain tasks are retained in-house while leveraging the skills and capabilities of external partners.

Implementing the Hybrid Model

  • Identify Core Functions: Identify what components of the project can be better controlled in-house to better align with strategic objectives and what components can be outsourced to take advantage of external skills and resources.
  • Choose the Right Partners: Outsourcing partners should have good experience in similar projects and have the right qualities to conform to your project and company culture.
  • Establish Clear Communication Channels: Develop strong communication platforms in dealing with in house vs outsource teams to avoid confusion and delays and to keep a project on track.
  • Define Roles and Responsibilities: Define the duties and functions of internal and external personnel to prevent confusion about who does what, who is responsible for what, and how the project is to be executed.
  • Implement Integrated Management Tools: Engage collaborative and integrated project management and collaboration tools that would help keep track of and ensure that all the teams are in sync with the project throughout the project cycle.

Also Read : Staff Augmentation Vs Outsourcing Which Is The Ideal Choice?


The debate about having in house software development vs outsourcing development teams remains a relevant topic, as both models have their advantages and disadvantages. These are important factors that firms need to consider when selecting the right hiring strategy with regards to factors such as budgets and timelines. 

The internal teams are suitable for further large-scale development, and the IT outsourcing services are appropriate for innovative products with low time-to-market constraints and vast talent databases. For those starting a new business product, they should opt for in-house if they are not in a rush to launch while outsourcing if the aim is to get industry professionals at a reasonable price.

Harikrishna Kundariya

CEO, eSparkBiz

Harikrishna Kundariya, a marketer, developer, IoT, chatbot and blockchain savvy, designer, co-founder, Director of eSparkBiz @Software Development Company where you can Hire Software Developers. His 14+ experience enables him to provide digital solutions to new start-ups based on Web app development.