AI Consulting Company

Boost your tech and business growth with eSparkBiz’s AI consulting services and solutions. With in-depth knowledge and experience, eSparkBiz offers customisable next-generation AI solutions that cater to your business's specific needs. Let eSparkBiz's expert AI consulting be your guide to unlocking your business's true potential.

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Brands That Trust Us

Navigating the Future with Artificial Intelligence

eSparkBiz is the Leading AI Consulting Development Company with 14+ years of proven experience
100+ Satisfied and Happy Clients we have Served all over the World.
Bringing the power of AI to your business operations to drive growth and efficiency.

At our AI Consulting firm, we help you avail yourself of breakthrough AI opportunities so your company may unleash the latest strategic possibilities. We accompany you on your AI journey through firming, scaling, and coming. Let eSparkBiz help you Scale your AI Journey!

Having years of experience in various industries, eSparkBiz is the best company to consult you on Artificial Intelligence and how to handle it. We start with your business problems and challenges and then build an effective, Intelligent AI strategy to handle them and explore opportunities for your business. eSparkBiz's AI experts engineer AI solutions that are compatible with your legacy systems and make them future-proof. Your company will be capable of onboarding AI faster and working smarter, as well!

We believe a skeptical perspective on ethical AI is key. Your company's implementation projects are based on guidelines that make them trustworthy, fair, and accountable. You can sleep well knowing your AI projects are safe and efficient and that you are a true leader in ethical AI use and innovation.

Potential reasons on why we are the Leading AI Consulting Company :-

  • 12+ years Core Expertise
  • Top 1% Talent with exceptional skills
  • Hands-on Experience with Cutting-edge Technologies
  • Strategic Implementation for Tailored AI Solutions
  • Highly Reliable Company Trusted by 500+ Clients
100% confidential
We sign NDA

Featured AI Consulting Projects

Explore these amazing AI Consulting projects developed over 12+ years by our AI Experts to help our precious clients tackle real obstacles and boost their businesses – one of the reasons why they keep coming back to us!

Choose Your AI Journey: Tailored Consulting Scenarios

Depending on your stage, choose the AI consulting scenario that applies to you: AI adoption for the first time. Check. Audit of existing AI systems? Check. Want to diversify your AI ecosystem? Check.

AI Audit & Reengineering

Maximize the efficiency of the AI you already have in place. We conduct a thorough evaluation of your current model and its efficiencies and/or biases and provide tailored strategic insights to improve trait selection. We also help you with data and feature selection methods, increasing your AI’s precision, predictive accuracy, and compliance to meet your ever-changing business needs.

First-time AI Adoption

Get started quickly with AI. Our AI advisors can help you choose your strategy, pick your technology, implement it, and train you on the new technology to maximise your first AI initiative.

Artificial Intelligence Expansion

Grow your AI ambitions with our expansion services. We help extend and hybridise your existing solutions with the latest technologies and methodologies in AI. That will help you scale your AI business and evolve your solutions to meet new business challenges and opportunities.

Transformative AI Solutions for Your Business

We help you scale your business to its fullest potential. With eSparkBiz’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) - driven solutions, from the conceptualization processes and policies to their implementation and practice, we work with you to provide solutions for the effective governance of organizations across industry verticals.

AI Strategy and Roadmap Development

A plan-centric AI roadmap and strategy ensures that your AI aspiration will always meet your company's business needs. Our artificial intelligence consultancy is initiated with your current status, blueprints your existing gaps, and defines a crystal AI road map for your AI journey.

We ensure that any work we do with artificial intelligence is appropriately scoped. Our artificial intelligence consultancy makes sure that any engagement attempted to be performed is suitably scoped. So, for every new bit of business you enter, the strategy gets updated in a living way to allow you to gain more business impact as business changes and new technical developments arise.

  • Align AI initiatives with business objectives
  • Assess current capabilities and identify gaps
  • Create a clear and actionable AI roadmap
  • Prioritize projects and allocate resources effectively
  • Regularly review and update the strategy
Ethical AI Advisory

Where ethical AI advisory emphasizes applying principles and values to the development and use of AI systems, you, as a client, can have us create policies for you to prevent bias. We can make your data transparent or permeable, and the private sphere of your data subjects can be protected and just.

We assist your organisation in developing protocols for conducting ethics audits regularly and in keeping ethics in mind at every step of the design and development of your AI system. We put you in the different positions of your stakeholders and ensure you fully comply with the best practices.

  • Develop guidelines to address bias and privacy
  • Ensure transparency and accountability in AI systems
  • Conduct regular audits to maintain ethical standards
  • Integrate ethical considerations into development
  • Engage diverse perspectives for comprehensive solutions
Data Strategy and Management

Complementing any organisation—or business—looking to embark on its AI journey, you should focus on nailing your data strategy and putting in place the relevant information management infrastructure. We transform organisations from uninformed and uninspired to having their facts ready and a clear sense of intention.

Experts at eSparkBiz can design data pipelines and implement best practices for data integration and value maximization. We provide master data management to ensure the quality and sanity of your ongoing data flow. All this translates to improved scalability, reliability and speed of your AI solutions, as well as reduced cost.

  • Establish processes for data collection and storage
  • Implement data governance and quality control measures
  • Design data pipelines for efficient integration
  • Ensure data security and compliance with regulations
  • Optimize data management for scalability
Risk Assessment and Mitigation

We are the best AI consulting firm to help you develop risk maps to assess potential negative technical, ethical, and/or other consequences of AI projects and develop risk mitigation measures.

We also build a comprehensive risk management plan, develop state-of-the-art security, and put through testing and reviews. You can be assured that your AI systems stay resilient and secure through ongoing updates and assessments.

  • Identify potential risks in AI projects
  • Develop a comprehensive risk management plan
  • Implement robust security measures
  • Conduct thorough testing of AI systems
  • Regularly update and review risk assessments
Use Case Identification and Assessment

Identifying and evaluating AI use cases for your enterprise is a complex exercise. Our experts help you dissect business processes, evaluate suitability, and prioritise the use cases based on their feasibility and business value.

We deliver pilot projects to validate use cases, iterating on the results to refine them. eSparkBiz constantly engages with stakeholders to confirm that selected use cases support strategic goals and address real business needs.

  • Analyze business processes to identify AI opportunities
  • Evaluate potential use cases for feasibility and impact
  • Prioritize use cases based on business value
  • Conduct pilot projects to validate use cases
  • Engage stakeholders to ensure alignment with goals
Domain-specific Model Development

As an AI consulting company, we know what kind of data would be needed to solve your specific use case based on a particular industry. We have all the blocks. We then assemble these blocks specific to a certain use case, keeping in mind industry-specific variables that will be most relevant.

We work with subject-area experts to provide content, ingest the relevant data, and iterate our models until they are state-of-the-art, appropriate, and responsive to your domain. Our solutions are tailor-made to visualise actionable insights and innovation.

  • Develop models tailored to specific industry needs
  • Collaborate with domain experts for accurate solutions
  • Integrate relevant industry-specific data
  • Continuously refine models for accuracy and relevance
  • Provide actionable insights and drive innovation
AI Integration

Regarding AI integration, experts at eSparkBiz integrate AI solutions into your existing systems and workflows to maintain functionality and maximise your team’s output. We carefully onboard AI technologies into your business environment to reduce disruption.

Our integration offering entails creating internal interfaces, training staff on AI use, and helping with AI decision-making protocols. Integration done well will lead to frictionless operations and better decision-making.

  • Seamlessly integrate AI with existing systems
  • Design and implement necessary interfaces
  • Train staff to effectively use AI solutions
  • Establish protocols for AI integration
  • Optimize workflows for enhanced efficiency
AI Infrastructure Setup

Setting up the AI infrastructure requires provisioning the hardware and software required to run the AI tasks. eSparkBiz helps select and configure the computing resources to support critical AI processing, the storage to match the requested volumes and provision the network capacity for the desired performance.

We install infrastructure, assess needs, develop scalable implementations, keep security and compliance, and monitor for optimisation. We’ll handle it while you access the platform and get creative.

  • Provision of necessary hardware and software resources
  • Select and configure computing and storage solutions
  • Implement scalable infrastructure solutions
  • Ensure security and compliance with regulations
  • Continuously optimize and monitor infrastructure
AI Software Development

In AI software development, we plan, build, and deliver custom applications and solutions that drive your business. Our engineers build and enhance AI software that utilises leading algorithms and technology advancements to solve complex problems and deliver high value.

We code, test, and deploy AI solutions to ensure they are reliable, performant, and scalable, addressing business requirements and systems integrations.

  • Develop custom AI applications and solutions
  • Design and build using advanced algorithms
  • Code, test, and deploy AI software
  • Ensure reliability and scalability of solutions
  • Integrate with existing systems seamlessly
Data Preparation

Data preparation involves cleaning, transforming and structuring the collected data so a computer can read it. Our services can automate data preparation to make it fit for modelling purposes and keep datasets clean as they age while they’re still being used.

This allows your AI models to deliver insights while working effectively with less robust data and dealing gracefully with uncertainty.

  • Clean, transform, and structure data for analysis
  • Automate data preparation processes
  • Maintain data quality and relevance
  • Ensure accuracy for effective model training
  • Provide data ready for AI model development
ML Model Development

eSparkBiz is your go-to AI consulting company for creating an ML model, tuning it, and perfecting the model so that it can present us with information that is as close to what’s really happening as possible. Each of these steps has its methods. Usually, the more complex the problem, the more variables come into play.

Our artificial intelligence consultancy experts try those out, tweak the hyperparameters, and validate the models against your objectives. Refinements will be monitored continuously to fit new data and evolving needs.

  • Create and fine-tune machine learning models
  • Select appropriate algorithms and techniques
  • Train models with relevant data
  • Optimize performance and validate results
  • Continuously monitor and refine models
Support & Maintenance

We provide continuous support and maintenance to ensure the usefulness and longevity of the AI capabilities. AI experts at our organization cover continued vigilance, issue resolution, and update incorporation so that your AI solutions remain effective, running, and valuable.

eSparkBiz provides model retraining, software upgrades and performance optimisation of underlying infrastructure so the system can respond to new data and changing needs, where a round-the-clock support center ensures quicker response to any issues, minimizing offline time and outages.

  • Monitor AI systems continuously
  • Address technical issues and provide resolutions
  • Perform regular updates and optimizations
  • Retrain models with new data as needed
  • A dedicated team for prompt assistance

Partner with Experts to Accelerate Your AI Consulting Journey

Clutch AI Consulting Rating


Transforming Your AI Vision into Reality

Boost your digital transformation within your business from top to bottom, from concept to implementation! eSparkBiz’s premium IT consulting services can give your business the real intelligence it needs to grow.

Assessment Phase

eSparkBiz, an AI consulting company, provides a 360-degree analysis of internal processes to determine critical areas, perform realigned business goals, and integrate with existing systems.

Strategy Development

We work with you and your teams of AI experts to co-design an effective AI strategy for your business so you can cherry-pick your initiatives to serve the organisation best.

Data Collection and Preparation

We at eSparkBiz, your trusted AI consultant, help by collecting, curating, and labelling content—filtering out the chaff and misinformation—so that true learning can take place faster.

Custom Model Development

Our expert team in artificial intelligence conducts in-depth research and subsequently develops custom-made AI models for your business using new algorithms.

Model Integration Solution Development

eSparkBiz’s AI experts stay abreast of all the little things you need to know to make it smooth and seamless when integrating AI models into your existing processes and apps to optimise your operational workflows.

Integration Into Workflows

Our augmented intelligence consulting will help you embed AI within your existing workflows, making you work smarter and better. Hire AI and try it yourself.

Monitoring and Maintenance

When the novelty wears off, we provide you with a steady support team who, like a check-up with your family doctor, performs a well-being visit on your AI systems. Constant operations and upgrades benefit performance and relevance. We call that orbital maintenance.

Elevate Your Business with Seamless AI Integration

With eSparkBiz’s solutions aiding artificial intelligence (AI), transform your business and speed up the innovation process. We provide a complete set of services to ensure the success of your AI projects – from initial conception to real-world implementation.

Integration Strategy and Roadmap

We create a visionary integration strategy and road map to help you assimilate AI into your business so it meets your business’s purpose and timeline. This ensures that the adoption of AI aligns perfectly with your business's unique goals, purpose, and timeline, maximizing its potential impact and effectiveness.

Data Integration and Management

Experts at our AI consulting firm ensure you standardise data and make it manageable so your AI systems can function with data that works well together. Also, we ensure that data is clean, secure, and compliant throughout the process.

Integration with Existing Systems

Combine our intelligent solutions seamlessly with your legacy systems to improve the functionality, productivity, and efficiency of existing operations. Our integration approach ensures that AI enhancements are smoothly incorporated without disrupting your current workflows and processes.

Custom AI Solutions Integration

Our AI consulting company helps you develop and tailor bespoke AI solutions that cover your business's needs and purposes. This enables you to use the latest technology as an opportunity for innovation, differentiation and competitive advantage in your industry.

Performance Monitoring and Optimization

We continuously monitor AI performance. We incorporate ongoing improvements so that efficiency, accuracy, and relevance can be sustained—and tracked—over time. Our approach ensures that AI systems remain contextually aware and seamlessly evolve as business needs change.

Implementation Support and Maintenance

eSparkBiz offers regular implementation support and maintenance to keep your AI solutions functioning at a high level, relevant and focused on expanding your business goals. Our dedicated support ensures that your AI systems are always optimized and up-to-date with the latest advancements.

Robust AI Tech Stack Our Experts Use

eSparkBiz adhere to High-quality & Security Standard for delivering our Clients with a Satisfactory results. Get to know about the potential AI Tools we use at building solutions for gaining the Competitive edge.

DL Frameworks

Develop, train and deploy versatile AI models on demanding, high-performance applications using robust deep learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch and Keras.

  • PyTorch
  • Caffe2
  • Chainer
  • Theano
  • Keras


For the development and deployment of AI solutions, use off-the-shelf AI toolkits and modules such as TensorFlow Extended (TFX), Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit, and Google AI Platform.

  • Kurento
  • Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit
  • Core ML


Add libraries such as NumPy, SciPy and scikit-learn to develop the most advanced AI models while having all the necessary utilities to handle an array of data, conduct robust analysis, and tackle complex machine-learning problems.

  • TensorFlow
  • OpenNN
  • Sonnet
  • TF-Slim
  • Tensor2Tensor
  • Neuroph


Build intuitive UIs with frameworks such as React.js, Angular or Vue.js to provide an interactive user experience to AI-based conversational apps.

  • TypeScript
  • Angular
  • VueJS
  • Next.JS


Create a scalable and secure backend (the layer closest to the actual hardware) with Node.js, Django, and Flask so that we can crunch data efficiently and connect it to the AI model.

  • Python
  • Rust
  • NodeJS

AI Models

Develop novel AI applications by designing and implementing advanced AI models – such as neural networks, decision trees and reinforcement learning models – to solve business problems, drive innovation, and apply machine learning.

  • GAN
  • GPT3
  • GPT 3.5 Turbo
  • LaMDA
  • Wu-Dao

Navigating AI Development: Sidestep Common Pitfalls

Avoid common pitfalls prevalent in the development of AIs by leveraging eSparkBiz’s insights: we have the solutions to create reliable, transparent and fully compliant models that will bring your AI projects to fruition.

Bias-free Model Training

Train AIs on diverse datasets in identity and experience and utilise cutting-edge techniques to mitigate bias. This approach ensures that the AI models developed are fair, unbiased, and representative of diverse perspectives.

Algorithm Explainability & Accuracy

Our AI consulting company ensures algorithm transparency by implementing explainable AI. This makes models representable, interpretable, and understandable, ensuring clear and transparent decision-making precedents, thereby building trust and accountability in AI systems.

Regulatory Compliance

Easily navigate health and wellness regulatory domains to ensure your AI solution meets international standards and regulations. This approach protects your organisation from legal issues, maintains ethical standards, and provides long-term compliance and credibility.

User Buy-In

Emphasize the value and benefits of AI solutions to enhance adoption and encourage alignment in the workplace. Foster user buy-in by giving users direct opportunities to provide feedback during development, ensuring their needs and concerns are addressed.

Why Choose eSparkBiz as Your AI Consulting Partner?

Partner with eSparkBiz to leverage our years of experience and innovative transformation, utilise unique AI expertise, technologies, and scalable solutions, and build a robust and scalable system that is strategised, technologically sound, and ethically built for high impact and outcomes.

Deep Experience and Expertise

Profit from our experience as AI consultants. Thanks to the deep industry know-how of our team members and our successful track record, we can propose sophisticated AI solutions for your business.

Extensive Technical Skills

Use our technical team’s broad skills, covering a wide range of complex AI tools such as frameworks, machine learning algorithms and data analytics tools, to develop powerful, commercially viable AI solutions.

End-to-End Development

We cover the complete AI deployment lifecycle, from strategic and consulting services to design and delivery, as well as the ongoing monitoring and fine-tuning required to ensure you get optimal results out of your products.

Responsible AI Development

Commit to the responsible development of AI based on ethical standards, bias mitigation, and compliance with emerging legislation and best practices to ensure that your AI solutions are fair, accountable, transparent, and regulated.

Expert Insights For Digital Product Development

We at eSparkBiz are passionate about discussing recent technologies and applications. We constantly write blogs and articles associated with the field of technology. So, don't miss our detailed and insightful write-ups. You'll find all our latest blogs and blog updates here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is AI consulting, and how can it benefit my business?

AI consulting is a service that helps you decide how to maximise using artificial intelligence technologies in your business. Your organisation will benefit from process efficiency, better decision-making, and innovation because a dedicated AI consultant will develop bespoke AI strategies and introduce the right technologies.

What are the key steps involved in an AI consulting engagement?

An engagement with our AI consulting firm typically involves assessing a client's current capabilities and needs and developing a strategy for implementation. After which, we gather and refine the data to prepare it for model input. Customized model development is achieved by posing questions around the ultimate goals, identifying classes and bundle types, and looking for anomalies to debug any potential issue. Once the model is integrated into the client’s business model, it will be ready for monitoring and maintenance.

What types of AI technologies do you specialize in?

Our AI Consulting company has experience working with many different AI technologies, such as machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing and computer vision. We help guide solutions towards the needs of your particular business while taking advantage of the latest developments in AI technologies as a whole.

Can AI be integrated with existing systems in my organization?

Absolutely. AI can be added to your existing system. It fits in seamlessly. We ensure that it integrates with your current systems while improving your current workflow by taking advantage of the functionality offered by AI.

How do you address data privacy and security concerns?

Our commitment to data privacy and security is paramount in our practice, with data stored in an encrypted form throughout data training and model testing using the secure facilities on larger internal servers that comply with data protection regulations. Importantly, any sensitive and identifiable personal data is kept safely secured via pseudo-anonymization throughout the entire AI development process.

How do you handle ongoing maintenance and support for AI systems?

Our AI Consulting company handle routine maintenance and support tasks such as version upgrades, performance monitoring, and troubleshooting new issues. We keep your AI systems operational, current, and responsive to changing business needs.

What types of AI models can you develop?

We create and train many types of AI models (neural networks, decision trees, support vector machines, reinforcement learning models and many more to come!). You’ll need to make this choice for every application you create. What your AI project is trying to achieve will help you determine which kind of model you need.

What is the typical cost of AI consulting services?

The exact cost of our AI work depends on the project's scope, complexity, and the degree of bespokeness we need to implement. Our AI Consulting company reflects these details in a project binder and estimates the cost before engagement.

How do I determine if AI is right for my business?

Assess your business case and requirements. Consider what you want to achieve in the short and long term, how you can build AI expertise, which data you have at your disposal (e.g., images, text, audio), and where it could create value. Depending on your requirements, our AI consultancy company will help you determine your next steps.

How long does it take to see results from an AI implementation?

Implementing AI usually takes one week and three to four months, depending on the task's complexity and the solution's extent; however, due to model training and tuning, initial results might be seen in a couple of months and complete benefits in the long run.

How do you ensure the ethical use of AI in your solutions?

We apply AI ethically and govern AI responsibly by being transparent about our usage and reporting best practices to our clients and users, mitigating biases in collecting and processing data. Ultimately, we ensure we meet applicable regulatory requirements for data and usage; and incorporate responsible AI processes, including regular AI audits.

What is the role of data in AI projects?

Data is the key material used in AI projects, from training to refining and production. It is the material upon which all machine learning models are trained. Because data quality governs the degree of usefulness of machine-learned models, the training datasets need to be of high quality and relevance. Data must be collected, processed, and managed properly.

What should I consider when selecting an AI consulting partner?

Some criteria to look for in an AI consulting partner include experience, relevance to your requirement and its technologies, ability to customise to your needs, and proven delivery track record. You will also want to assess how they respond to ethics and customer support.

Can AI be used for both small-scale and large-scale projects?

Yes. AI can work well on small and large projects. Our solutions are designed to scale. Whether you need a pilot to test your concept or a full-blown deployment of the system, our solutions are flexible and can be tailored to the size of your project.

How do you measure the success of an AI implementation?

We measure success through clearly defined KPIs and goals, such as faster or more accurate, less expensive or with a higher ROI every time. We measure outlier impact and performance. This is how algorithms work: they produce quantifiable results. We can define a clear goal, ask the algorithms to deliver it, and measure whether it does.