AWS Data Engineering

Create secure and scalable workflows with the Best AWS Data Engineering Services

eSparkBiz is a leading data engineering service provider in the region with extensive experience in solving the most complex data engineering problems for enterprises and helping them achieve analytical and decision-making capabilities from their operational data.

hax-img AWS Data Engineering
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Leverage the Power of your Data and Make Better Decisions

eSparkBiz is a reliable AWS Data Engineering Partner
AWS Data Engineering Expertise to help you move and unify data from various sources to get the best outcomes.

AWS provides various platforms that suit different business needs, and Data engineering is a domain that works extremely well with AWS. Everything from compute, storage, and database engines is handled by AWS, and all of these can be used in data engineering projects.

We help you develop scalable and secure Data engineering pipelines that move organizational data across applications, and provide all apps in your organization the right data to work with.

Scaling and maintaining custom data engineering projects is never easy. Still, when you work with an established service provider like eSparkBiz, you get highly experienced professionals working on your projects who can make the best data engineering pipelines.

How is eSparkBiz emerging as the Reliable AWS Data Engineering Partner?

  • Possess Top AWS Talent
  • Trusted by Startups to Fortune 500
  • Time-Zone Friendly Project Implementation
  • All-round Support from Ideation to Deployment
  • Delivering 360 Digital Solutions with Modern Practices
  • Adhere to the Standard Data & Migration Security Protocols
  • Serving Distinctive Business-domains with Satisfactory solutions

End-to-end AWS data Engineering Services to Support Your Ambitions

eSparkBiz goes the extra mile to support enterprises to become data-literate, build a stronger data ecosystem, and realize the power of data. With various projects under our belt, we have expertise ranging from data extraction to converting them into powerful insights. We use the latest technologies in the data engineering domain to cater to complex challenges.

Advanced data processing techniques
We help you leverage the power of high-performing algorithms and superfast tools to process millions of data records immediately.

Robust data architecture design
Our expert solution architects will create the best architecture that nurtures your growing data ecosystem and allows seamless data flow between applications.

Efficient ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes
We help you unify data from various sources by following a custom extract, transform, and Load process that moves databases quickly and provides custom calculations that are ready for usage from day one.

Data modeling and optimization strategies
Our extensive experience in creating data engineering pipelines assists us in creating efficient data models for any complex organizational database or migration project.

Expertise in data migration and integration
eSparkBiz hosts the best experts in data migration and integration domains, who can migrate millions of data records without losing anything and further support newer integration.

Streamlined data quality management
We follow multiple manual and automated data sanitization as well as quality checks to ensure the best data is received at the end of a data engineering pipeline.

Specialized data governance and compliance solutions
Navigate through complex compliance and data governance rules with ease by leveraging our global experience. We can help you run data engineering pipelines that aren’t restricted due to complex laws.

Scalable and secure data storage solutions
Our storage experts will identify and deploy the right data storage solutions for your analytical and other data engineering needs, which provide low-latency and round-the-clock access to enterprise data.

How can you leverage our Data Engineering Expertise?

We host a large team of experienced data engineers who have mastered data engineering with AWS. Our diverse teams can help you build and scale custom data engineering pipelines that can move large volumes of data immediately.

Scalable data pipeline architecture

Our expertise in working with AWS Cloud data engineering products allows us to build scalable pipelines that can scale as you grow. Our pipelines will never be a blocker for your business’s growth, and they will be ready to move any amount of data at low latency at any time.

Faster time-to-value

We help you realize return on investments much faster than any other service provider. Our unique approach to solving data pipeline challenges and designing secure architecture ensures that the pipeline is free from errors and you can efficiently move large amounts of organizational data.

Business-focused Analytics

We have mastered analytics and understand the importance of having the right data at the right time. Our engineering teams create data pipelines that provide you with the best analytical experience along with meaningful processing to support your daily usage patterns, as well as special needs.

Our Extensive AWS Data Engineering Services

eSparkBiz is the leading AWS data engineering services provider in the region, with expertise across all ends of the domain. We follow the best practices in architecture design, database design, and application security to create high-performing and scalable data engineering solutions for our clients.

AWS Glue

AWS Glue is the prominent data engineering tool on the AWS platform that allows running custom spark scripts and creating high-quality and reliable data engineering pipelines. Our glue expertise ensures the data is moved without any inconsistencies and in a timely manner for use.

  • Streamline data organization

    We create efficient data organization solutions that categorize data, create the right schema based on input databases, and transfer metadata along with source data.

  • Optimize resource utilization

    Our expertise in writing efficient code and designing optimal architecture allows us to deliver projects with optimal resource utilization and everything stays under control.

  • Streamlined schema conversions

    We use a custom schema conversion process that helps in creating a perfect schema that supports speed and efficiency.

Amazon Open search

Dive into large amounts of logs and find the right insights through our efficient implementation of Amazon Open Search service. Our architects will design and deploy solutions that keep your logs on Open Search without affecting any performance or memory issues.

  • Interactive data insights

    Our data visualization experts can work with your teams and create interactive data visualizations that provide deep insights into logs and many other things on a responsive and live dashboard.

  • Efficient data handling

    Handle large amounts of log data efficiently on multi-node Open Search clusters which are highly available and ready to serve all requests at super low-latencies.

  • Seamless migration support

    Migrate your databases with millions of records without worries, backed by our powerful migration support teams. Our teams will always be available to keep the migration process smooth and error-free.

Amazon RDS

Store your transactional data into ever-scaling RDS instances which provide better security and availability at all times. We have experience working with RDS clusters and creating architecture that provides the best consistency in data with multiple read-replicas and availability zones in AWS.

  • Simplified RDS management

    Offload your RDS software patching, recovery, and backup tasks to our database experts, and enjoy effortless growth and management of your databases.

  • Effective scaling plans

    Our AWS experts will create auto-scaling RDS clusters that will ensure proper read-write access for all your apps, even under heavy load.

  • Optimized performance enhancement

    We also keep a constant eye on the database’s performance and help you fine-tune queries and database schemas that result in significant performance enhancements.

Amazon DynamoDB

DynamoDB is Amazon's powerful NoSQL database service, which can scale infinitely. Our AWS expertise with DynamoDB and NoSQL will ensure you get access to your data the fastest possible manner.

  • Custom data models

    We can help you design custom data models that reduce the number of tables to be checked in each query and result in efficient scaling and performance.

  • Swift data processing

    Our DynamoDB experts can also set up streams to perform real-time data processing and migration between tables by using an AWS Lambda function.

  • Streamlined data ingestion

    Ingest data from any source and add it to a dynamoDB table with our high-throughput infrastructure and intermediary services.

Amazon Redshift

Build and maintain data warehouses for analytical or operational purposes using Amazon Redshift and our expertise. We have developed numerous data warehouses before, and they’ve given immense value to all our clients. If you want to store and query structured or semi-structured data, you should definitely set up a redshift instance.

  • Effortless integration

    The data warehouses developed by our engineers can integrate with different BI tools, data lakes, and other databases effortlessly due to their optimizations.

  • Advanced analytics

    Our data engineering and analytical experts work together to provide advanced analytics from your Redshift warehouses using real-time stream processing, data ingestion, and data pre-processing techniques.

  • Streamlined data management

    We manage your Redshift instances across availability zones in AWS, so the data is always available for analytical purposes, even when some of the nodes are not working.

AWS Data Analytics

eSparkBiz can help you build, maintain, and optimize high-performing data pipelines for analytical purposes. Our ability to create insights from raw data and process data for analytical purposes helps us define the right data models and deliver awesome insights.

  • Cloud data warehousing

    Using services like Amazon Redshift, glue, and Lambdas, we can build and maintain secure data warehouses in the cloud.

  • Cloud migration and modernization

    Migrate your workflows, databases, and warehouses to the cloud with our migration experts. We will design the migration and modernization process in a way that your business operations are never hampered, and there is no compromise with data quality.

  • Data security and governance

    When you work with our solutions architects for any data projects, we provide multi-layer data security. We design IAM roles and policies with the least privilege principle to keep your data secure and make governance easier for your team.

Featured AWS Data Engineering Projects

Explore these amazing AWS Data Engineering projects developed over 12+ years by our experts to help our precious clients tackle real obstacles and boost their businesses - one of the reasons why they keep coming back to us!

Unleashing the Power of Data in Real Estate with an Advanced Analytics Platform

An advanced Web Analytics And Insights Application called ESRP offers detailed analytical data in the form of graphical representations for several American industries, regions, firms, occupations, and racial, ethnic, and gender groups. Users can upload CSV files and other data source files to the platform and receive data visualizations thanks to its user-friendly interface.

  • Core Technology: React JS | Node | Laravel
  • Duration: 3 Months
  • Number of Developers: 10 Members
ESRP - Robust Web Analytics And Insights Application ESRP - Unleash the Power of Advanced Web Analytics And Insights Application

SAAS-based Social Media Automation Platform

To make sure that operation goes according to the plan One for All provides a full cycle service including implementation on the website of social media that you prefer. On the other hand, we stress on the precision of our posting dates, working by our own integrated ChatGPT tools that provide detailed content writing as … Continue reading "SAAS-based Social Media Automation Platform"

  • Core Technology: Laravel | Angular | iOS
  • Duration: 1 Year
  • Number of Developers: 10 Members

Sales Enablement & Performance Tracking Platform

Refreshingly simple, yet powerful in results, drives sales performance through goal setting, tracking, incentives and so much more. This motivates sales teams to achieve and exceed their objectives. The platform’s unique combination of simplicity and powerful features leads to tangible and impactful outcomes, making it an invaluable asset for driving sales success.

  • Core Technology: React | Node | Android | iOS
  • Duration: 9 Months
  • Number of Developers: 4 Members

Uniting NFT Enthusiasts Worldwide in an Innovative Marketplace and Hub for Digital Creators

Through its visionary approach of Ecommerce Platform For Crypto Market, this platform brings together artists, creators, and crypto investors, providing them with an all-encompassing environment to participate in the purchasing, selling, and exchanging of innovative NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), event tickets, and cryptocurrencies.

  • Core Technology: React | Node | Android | iOS
  • Duration: 4 Months
  • Number of Developers: 6 Members

Hospitality Redefined – Unleashing IoT Smart Devices and Access for Revolutionary Guest Experiences.

Radefy is revolutionizing the hospitality industry by harnessing the power of IoT smart devices to create unparalleled guest experiences. With our cutting-edge technology and forward-thinking approach, we are transforming traditional hotel stays into immersive journeys that cater to every guest’s individual needs.

  • Core Technology: React JS | .NET
  • Duration: 8 Months
  • Number of Developers: 7 Members

How Our Data Engineering Teams Solve Complex Challenges?

By working across industries and organizations, we have created our customized process to deliver data engineering projects. Our process allows us to be flexible, high-performing, and go the extra mile to bring great products to our clients. We have delivered numerous complex data engineering projects, and now is the time for you to engage with our experts.

Discovery Sessions

We start by understanding your organization’s data needs, and its current maturity levels by working with different stakeholders and understanding solution requirements. At this stage, we also identify the challenges that stop your organization from becoming a data-driven organization.

Suggesting and Finalizing Solutions

Once our project managers and solution architects have understood your needs and aspirations, we strive to suggest and create the best solutions. Our data engineering solutions are tailored for personalized requirements, and you can customize them as much as you want. At this stage, we also ask for a finalization from your end.

Solution Development

After the solutions are finalized, our expert engineers and solution architects dive deeper into creating the best solution for your problems. We use the latest technologies and tools to develop your solution so that it can prove worthy for many years to come.

Support and Training

Once the solution is developed and deployed, we provide round-the-clock support for configuration and regular maintenance. Moreover, our engineers will also work with your teams and give them the required training to work with the new custom data engineering solution developed specifically for you so that you can utilize it better.

Industries We Impact

Since our inception, we have worked with clients across the globe in various industries and domains, which has helped us sharpen our skills and generate more impactful products. Our data engineering teams are also equipped with the right domain knowledge to better understand your pain points and craft impeccable solutions.

Media And Entertainment

Our futuristic data pipelines and data streaming services products can help you stream videos, images, and music on your apps without thinking about anything or blocking performance.


Manage and share patient data, reports, and other vital medical records across your internal apps using our custom data engineering and migration solutions on AWS cloud.

E-commerce & Logistics

Leverage the power of your operational data and predict the right delivery timelines and prices using our low-latency data engineering platforms.


Manage data for many years and use it to your benefit by creating a custom data management solution from our experienced engineers and solution architects.


Unify data from various markets and sources to get the best trades and manage millions of dollars in your investment fund effectively with our powerful, reliable, and superfast data pipelines.

Security & Surveillance

Gather cyber intelligence from various applications and process them swiftly through our custom data and analytics solutions.

Healthcare & Life Sciences

Take on big data engineering and get results of your research faster, unlocking rapid growth for your business and sales.


Our custom data engineering solutions can help you empower budding learners with the right tools and data to create a better future and become successful.

Where does eSparkBiz Shine?

eSparkBiz uses AWS services for data engineering pipelines and applications, which helps us in building highly scalable and secure applications. Our expertise in this domain and motivated teams also assist in creating custom solutions and win our client's trust every time. We offer services across the data engineering plane.

Overall Implementation

We design custom data engineering tools from scratch and add any features that you want without worrying about the implementation complexities. Our expert team of data engineers and developers work together to provide you with a secure and bug-free implementation of any project idea.

Expert Consulting

We host multiple data engineering domain experts, AWS-certified solution architects and data engineers that can be consulted for any project. Our consulting practice will ensure you get the best solutions at the best rates and help you navigate through every complexity easily.

Smooth Integration

Our custom development and deployment process ensures smooth integration for newly developed projects. We also provide the necessary training and self-help materials to keep the integrations running well forever.

Maintenance and support

eSparkBiz hosts a talented team of maintenance and support wizards who are well-versed with the projects developed by our teams, and they are ready to help you with everything ranging from bug fixes to regular patching and deployment activities.

Why Choose eSparkBiz for AWS Data Engineering?

As the leading AWS data engineering service provider, we provide services that help your business become data-literate and become a data-driven organization with a secure data ecosystem. Our engineering teams are always ready to take on exciting projects and deliver value in the most complex scenarios.

AWS-certified and recognized

We hire and retain the best AWS-certified solutions architects and developers to provide impeccable development experience and projects to all clients. We are also among the AWS-recognized service providers who are given priority access to the latest features and happenings in the AWS service catalog.

Scalable Architecture

eSparkBiz’s solution architects are future-oriented, and due to them, we are able to deliver highly-scalable and elastic architecture that changes as your project needs.

Business-focused analytics

We create and maintain data-engineering tools that provide business-focused analytical data from day one. Our data modeling techniques and security approaches enable you to move data and extract insights to drive business efficiently.

Faster time-to-value

Our experienced project manager and consultants will design your projects in a phase that makes it easier to deliver them in faster iterations. We continually strive for perfection and help our clients build products faster.

100's of Happy Clients

From IT consultants to digital agencies, ISVs, and enterprises, we, as a pioneering offshore software outsourcing firm, cater to a diverse clientele seeking reliable solutions for their software consultancy and development needs. Here are some touching testimonials from our happy clients:

Jarrick Cooper

They have a wide range of knowledge and work in many different technologies.

Jarrick Cooper

Director of Web Strategy

Why Choose eSparkBiz?

Establishing itself as a dependable and indispensable IT partner, eSparkBiz brings digital transformation to your business with the latest techs, agile methods, & our remarkable expertise of 12+ years. 500+ global companies have trusted our bespoke development services, state-of-the-art infrastructure, transparent transactions, & security to kickstart their digital business strategy. If you want to hire dedicated developers or teams remotely to upscale your web products or need in-demand IT skills, eSparkBiz is the one-stop shop for all your IT needs. Choosing us would be the best choice you ever made; we are second to none. Try us today and testify tomorrow.

Years of Experience
Sq.ft. Development Center
In-house Skilled Talent
Projects Delivered Successfully
Customer Satisfaction
ISO 9001: 2015
CMMI Level - 3
Reviews on Clutch & Google
Technical Support
Days Risk-free Trial

Expert Insights for Digital Product Development

We at eSparkBiz are passionate about discussing recent technologies and applications. We constantly write blogs and articles associated with the field of technology. So, don't miss our detailed and insightful write-ups. You'll find all our latest blogs and blog updates here.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Data Engineering on AWS different?

Data engineering on AWS is different than doing it on your own, as AWS provides many platforms and tools to make things much easier. Moreover, it is completely on the cloud and saves significant costs.

Will your team be available to migrate large amounts of data from older-generation databases to newer ones?

Yes, our teams have worked on many such projects where different database generations were involved, and we have completed migrations like this without any data loss.

Do you provide support and maintenance services?

Yes, we provide support and maintenance services for all types of data engineering projects. Get in touch with our support wizards today.

Is data engineering really important?

Yes, data engineering is important if you want to harness the power of your operational data and use it to your advantage. It is a technology that will contribute to your growth from day one and will help you gain an advantage over your competitors.

Is data engineering important for insights generation?

Yes, data engineering is an important aspect of insight generation. In fact, with a robust data engineering process, you will be able to uncover the hidden patterns and data points from your organizational data.

Where are your offices located?

We are a global company headquartered in India, but we have offices in the US, UK, Australia, and many more countries.

Do you provide dedicated project managers for each project?

At eSparkBiz, each project is driven by an expert project manager who drives the project towards success.

Why should I choose AWS-certified engineers for my projects?

By choosing AWS-certified engineers, you can be sure about their skills. AWS certifications are hard, and when they have studied AWS for such a long, they definitely create better solutions that comply with best practices.

How do you design data engineering architecture?

Our expert solutions architects understand your unique needs and then find the right services and tools to support those needs. Moreover, our architecture always has load balancers and auto-scaling groups, which make it scale elastically.

Why is eSparkBiz best to opt for AWS Data Engineering Services?

eSparkBiz is the leading data engineering with AWS service provider in the region, and below are some reasons you should work with us.

  • NDAs to protect your application ideas
  • Curious and expert engineers who can solve complex problems
  • Round-the-clock availability
Do you help in developing custom ETL processes

Yes, we are experts in developing custom ETL processes that help our clients get the right data at the right place. Get in touch with our data engineers to develop your custom process today.

Do you comply with data privacy laws?

Data privacy can never be compromised, and we comply with all the international data privacy and security laws to keep our projects on the right ethical standards.

How to kick start a project with your team?

If you want to develop a new data engineering project, reach out to our sales and engineering teams to discuss your requirements. We can host discovery sessions and kick-start your projects in under 48 hours with a dedicated team.

Can you adjust the timezone differences?

Yes, we can accommodate timezone differences and work with your teams. Moreover, we can also set up working hours in a way that both teams have some overlap to discuss things daily.