eSparkBiz’s Azure Support and Maintenance Services for Cloud Infrastructure

eSparkBiz offers reliable Azure Support and Maintenance Services for achieving Enhanced Results
Deploy the best Azure support masters for your infrastructure and gain performance benefits, cost savings, and more.

eSparkBiz is the leader in providing bespoke Azure support services to enterprises. We host numerous teams led by experts in different areas of Azure cloud. Our expertise and deep-rooted specialization help us in solving the most complex problems of our clients and deliver awesome value.

Our teams are available round the clock as support is not restricted to some time zones. We are always eager to help you become better through infrastructure optimization, code changes, updates to dependencies, and many other services. Our teams proactively monitor your environments and fix issues before they snowball into bigger things.

We hire and retain the best experts in Azure cloud support and maintenance areas to deliver exceptional and rapid support services to our clients. Our team’s expertise, paired with our project management techniques, ensures that we can move quickly and provide innovative solutions to all our clients and their issues.

  • End to End support services across cloud setups
  • 24*7 availability of support teams
  • Proactive monitoring and fixing of issues in the Azure cloud
  • Performance and cost optimization recommendations
  • Proper project management and transparent communication policies
100% confidential
We sign NDA

Advantages of Azure Support and Maintenance Services

eSparkBiz delivers various advantages to companies utilizing our Azure support and maintenance services. We have experts on our teams that can handle any type of situation and keep your infrastructure working at its best levels forever.

Improved Reliability

Experience improved reliability for your applications and infrastructure by choosing our Azure support and maintenance services to keep the applications running. Our proactive approach ensures that you have minimal downtime and that the apps perform at the best levels at all times.

Cost Effective

We help customers analyze and manage their Azure cloud infrastructure effectively. Our teams will guide you in selecting the right Azure support services, and also shutting down unused services that can save your costs in the long run.

Assured Security

Our Azure support and maintenance services are created with security at the center. We perform various security checks like threat detection, security audits, and robust access control measures to ensure high security in your applications.

Performance Optimization

Utilizing our performance optimization expertise, we can unlock the highest performance from your Azure infrastructure. We audit and make the necessary changes to your infrastructure to ensure high performance at all times.

Enhanced Scalability

We offer enhanced scalability in all our solutions, and by using them, you don't have to worry about anything. Our Azure support services team can be scaled to handle more pressure from your applications and deliver better services to customers.

Compliance Assurance

At eSparkBiz, everything we do is compliant with global standards, and we always keep compliance in mind when designing our services and solutions. With our compliance assurance, you can rest assured that any changes we make will be compliant with every law.

Core Competencies

Azure and cloud are some of our core competencies, and we have been working in this domain for many years. If you want experts to handle your environments, you should definitely opt for our Azure support and maintenance services.

Disaster Recovery

We provide disaster recovery services to companies around the world. Our teams are experts in quickly reinstating services with minimal downtimes in case of any service outage.

Modern Issue Resolution

Our Azure maintenance services solve issues in a modern way by doing a proper root cause analysis and designing multiple solutions for the issues. We also provide custom and scalable solutions that can be reused in the future.

Azure Support Services For Businesses

eSparkBiz provides innovative and futuristic Azure support and maintenance services to its global clients. We are the trusted partners for many enterprises around the world when it comes to having dedicated Azure support teams. Our expertise in Azure cloud and certified teams make it easy to work on the most complex challenges and deliver value every time.

Azure Managed Services

We help businesses focus on their products and engineering rather than monitoring infrastructure or keeping it in shape. Our Azure support and maintenance services take over monitoring, maintenance, support, and troubleshooting from your teams so that they can work on better things.

We keep your infrastructure updated with the latest patching requirements and optimize it to save costs. By working with our teams, you can expect a reliable infrastructure setup on Azure Cloud.

  • Azure support and maintenance services for enterprises
  • Expert Azure-certified team members
  • Round-the-clock support and availability
  • Regular patching of cloud resources
  • Cost optimizations and recommendations to make the Cloud secure
Azure Migration Services

Whether you are on-premise or on a different cloud service provider, we can help you migrate to Azure Cloud with minimal downtime. Our expertise in migrating large enterprise infrastructure across cloud service providers has helped many clients realize cost benefits, find better services, and optimize their infrastructure.

Our expert teams will take care of everything from assessing existing infrastructure, creating a migration plan, and helping you migrate to Azure Cloud with little downtime. Our migration plans are secure, and there will be no data loss or security risks while completing the migration.

  • Secure migration plans
  • Reduce costs for infrastructure
  • Performance gains on Azure cloud
  • End to End migration support services
  • On-premise to Azure cloud migration support
Cost Optimization Services

Our Azure experts do an audit of your existing infrastructure and provide recommendations for reducing the costs of your infrastructure. We help our clients implement various cost optimization strategies, and also provide custom strategies to them based on their needs and growth plans.

Our cost optimization plans will never affect your app’s performance, rather, we can help you right-size your infrastructure and deliver much better services at fractional costs.

  • Custom Cost optimization strategies
  • Extensive audit and analysis of existing infrastructure
  • Significant cost savings
  • Right-sizing infrastructure
  • Performance gains through right-sizing
Monitoring & Management

Our Azure support services team is available round the clock, and they keep an eye on everything in your Azure cloud environment. We provide unparalleled monitoring and management services for our clients, which helps them mitigate risks early and even detect issues without much work.

We use the latest support and monitoring tools with AI-enabled features to detect anomalies in real-time and fix them without waiting for further issues. Our proactive maintenance teams are always one step ahead, and they carry out patching and other maintenance activities regularly to keep your infrastructure secure.

  • Advanced monitoring tools with AI capabilities
  • Round the Clock monitoring for the entire cloud environment
  • Proactive fixing of issues
  • Real-time anomaly detection
  • Secure Infrastructure
Advanced Support with SLAs

If you need a team that is there to help you at all times instantly, you surely need our azure maintenance and support teams. We provide advanced SLAs that guarantee rapid response times and resolutions of errors in azure cloud.

Our advanced support teams ensure that your apps face minimal downtimes, are always secure, and perform at the best levels at all times. Whether it is troubleshooting, consulting, or guiding your teams for any fix, we do it all.

  • Advanced support with rapid responses
  • Experienced support teams
  • Consulting services
  • Root cause analysis and troubleshooting errors
  • Strict adherence to SLAs
Hybrid Cloud Management

If you have a hybrid cloud setup divided between on-premise and Azure cloud, our Azure support teams will be of great help. Our expertise in parallel managing both on-premise and cloud environments has helped numerous customers achieve much better performance on their hybrid cloud setups without compromising security.

We help customers maintain on-premise and Azure cloud by abstracting all operations and maintenance activities under our expert teams. When you work with our experienced teams, you don't have to tackle any complexities in scaling your hybrid cloud or keeping it secure; we will handle everything.

  • Expertise in managing a hybrid cloud environment
  • Securing the cloud with better policies
  • Better maintenance approach
  • Auto-scaling capabilities for hybrid cloud
  • Performance optimization and load balancing between environments
Custom Development & Integration

There is no solution that will fit every business, which is why we provide custom development and integration services for our clients. We understand your requirements, and come up with exciting solutions that can be implemented solely for your needs and solve problems forever.

Whether you need custom applications to monitor your cloud environment or scripts to run patching and maintenance activities effectively, we can do it all. Connect with our teams, explain your pain points and they will host some brainstorming sessions to come up with a completely custom solution.

  • Custom monitoring tool development
  • Integrating third-party support tools
  • Custom applications to ease out support and maintenance
  • End to the End development roadmap
  • Experienced development teams across tech stacks

Round the Clock Azure Maintenance Services

At eSparkBiz, we provide many different Azure support and maintenance services around the clock to keep our client’s infrastructure at the best levels. Our support teams constantly monitor and introduce resolutions to every issue rapidly and help you get the best value for money in your cloud spending.

Patch Management

At eSparkBiz, we offer proactive patch management services that are aimed at keeping your apps up-to-date with the latest patches and covering all vulnerabilities in your apps. Our patching schedules are customized and automated as per your application usage, and we perform proper patching with minimal downtime.

  • Keeps system updated
  • Security from vulnerabilities
  • Automated patching solutions
  • Custom patching schedules
  • Hardware and software patching services

Security Audits & Compliance Services

We carry out regular security audits and compliance audits to find gaps in your infrastructure and make the necessary fixes around them. Our security teams are well-versed in different types of infrastructure testing to find issues that can be exploited by others. We also guide you become compliant with all policies and laws.

  • Regular security audits
  • Compliance audits and guidance
  • Security testing of infrastructure and resolution
  • Comprehensive reports and audit trails
  • Compliance consulting for global companies

Backup & Disaster Recovery

We create backup and disaster recovery plans for our clients and help them become resilient from outages. Our support and maintenance teams are well-versed in all Azure cloud regions and availability zones, and they can leverage this knowledge to create better disaster recovery plans and backup processes.

  • Point-in-time recovery capabilities
  • Multi-region backup processes
  • Lightweight backup recovery processes
  • Disaster recovery solutions
  • Multi-region and rapid disaster recovery at all times

Resource Optimization

We understand azure services much better, and this helps us guide our clients to achieve proper resource optimization. Our deep analysis of your cloud infrastructure and understanding of the various moving parts in the cloud helps us find the right points for your resource optimization.

  • Expertise in Azure cloud services
  • Proper resource optimization without performance impacts
  • Cost reduction through optimization
  • Right-sizing servers and services
  • Structure analysis and reports

Service Updates

We are constantly looking at updates and new feature releases on Azure services, and as soon as we find something that can be helpful to your environments, we take up service updates. Our teams will always keep your infrastructure running with the latest features to realize the best benefits.

  • Constant monitoring for new feature releases
  • Assistance in including the latest features
  • Consulting and guidance for service updates
  • Performance optimization
  • Regular security updates to services in the cloud

Cost Management & Billing Optimization

We provide cost monitoring and optimization services to help you with tracking and closely managing your cloud spending better. Our expert teams can set up cost budgets, alarms, and other relatable things to get a proper view of your Azure costs and find effective areas for necessary improvements.

  • Setup Cost budgets and alarms
  • Constant monitoring of services
  • Optimization and right-sizing to reduce costs
  • Tracking cost areas in cloud bills
  • Reduce financial burdens

100% Confidential
We sign NDA

Case Studies Showcasing Our Azure Support and Maintenance Services

Find our Azure Support and Maintenance Projects that will help you understand about the value we delivery through our Azure development approach and provide an All-round Azure support & maintenance assistance for continuous upgrades and performance optimization.

eSparkBiz’s Winning Azure Support & Maintenance Process

eSparkBiz is the leading Azure support and maintenance services provider in the region due to its unique approach to helping clients. We take every project seriously and focus on delivering value at each step through our customized Azure maintenance services process.

Assessment and Planning

Firstly, we understand your existing azure infrastructure and assess it for your requirements. At this stage, we create a customized support and maintenance plan for your environment, which suits your ever-growing need for expert support.

Proactive Monitoring

We host multiple teams of Azure experts who will proactively monitor your environment using state-of-the-art and modern monitoring tools purpose-built for the cloud. We dive deeper into monitoring, identifying, and fixing issues even before they cause incidents in your infrastructure.

Incident Resolution

If we ever face an incident, our teams are well-versed with an incident resolution plan that suits your needs. Our teams will aggregate data about the issue from various sources, do a root cause analysis, and apply a patch without affecting your applications severely.

Optimization and Recommendations

Our Azure experts who deliver Azure maintenance services will often provide optimization and other recommendations to you, which can result in a robust and stronger infrastructure. We will also recommend various cost-saving options, resource-scaling policies, and many other things for an optimized environment.

Reporting and Communication

Our teams are transparent in sharing everything about Azure support and maintenance services. They will provide you with regular reports, change documentation, and other communications to keep you updated about the happenings in the project.

Our Expertise Across Azure Products

Through our expert teams, our Azure support and maintenance services cover various products and technologies. We take pride in using the latest technologies to deliver better performance and grow our clients' businesses. Our service catalog includes various Azure cloud services that can streamline operations and aid digital transformation for businesses of all sizes.

Azure Virtual Machines

Azure SQL server

Azure Kubernetes Service

Azure Storage

Azure Networking

Azure Security Center

Azure DevOps Services

Hybrid Cloud Solutions

Azure Cognitive Services

Why Choose eSparkBiz For Azure Support and Maintenance Services?

eSparkBiz is the first choice for Azure support services for many companies around the world, and it is not just because of our competitive pricing. We provide much more value to our global clients, and all our customers love us and choose us as their preferred technology services provider for various reasons.

Agile Methodology

As the leading Azure support and maintenance services provider, we focus on delivering value to our customers from day one, and Agile helps us perfectly with this. We use agile to manage projects, deliver quickly, and tackle issues swiftly.

Customized Solutions

Whether you ask for a one-time maintenance activity or a recurring one, we provide a custom solution that works for your needs. Our solution teams will first understand the scope of tasks and design solutions that can be used for many different use cases.

Proactive Approach

We aren't reactive. Instead, we follow a proactive approach in our support and maintenance processes. This helps us steer our customer's applications away from errors before they cause trouble.

Flexible Engagement Models

Every company has different needs, and we understand it much better. We provide multiple flexible engagement models that suit your needs without breaking the bank. Moreover, our engagement models can be scaled as per your requirements at each stage.

In-time Delivery

At eSparkBiz, we work with your teams and always provide on-time delivery. Our teams are proactive, and they will start solving issues proactively before they cause trouble.

Complete Confidentiality with Signed NDA

We maintain complete confidentiality about your projects, and every team member will sign an NDA. This helps us ensure our customers that we aren’t sharing their resources or custom solutions with anyone and that no other person knows their internals.

Dedicated 360 Support

We provide 360-degree support on all aspects of the application, ranging from code to infrastructure and other parts too.

Expert Insights For Digital Product Development

We at eSparkBiz are passionate about discussing recent technologies and applications. We constantly write blogs and articles associated with the field of technology. So, don't miss our detailed and insightful write-ups. You'll find all our latest blogs and blog updates here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Azure support and maintenance services?

Azure support and maintenance services help businesses to deploy and maintain secure applications on the azure cloud. This includes monitoring various services, troubleshooting applications, and even optimizing resources for lowered costs.

Why should I work with eSparkBiz?

eSparkBiz is the leading Azure support and maintenance services provider in the region due to many different reasons. You should work with us if you want -

  • Experienced and certified team members
  • Competitive rates and flexible engagement models
  • Round-the-clock support and availability of teams
  • Can your support teams work in my time zone?

    eSparkBiz is a global company with clients and a presence across the globe in various time zones. Our teams will always be available to support your Azure environment across time zones.

    Can your support teams solve issues quickly?

    Our support engineers are experts at finding problems and their solutions across cloud environments and service providers. We have delivered solutions rapidly for all our previous clients, and we can surely do it for your Azure cloud.

    Does eSparkBiz carry out security audits?

    Security audits are important to understand your security posture, and we do them regularly. During this, we try to find vulnerabilities, broken access control measures, and many other things that can cause trouble in the future.

    Do you have experienced Azure support teams?

    Yes, our teams for Azure support and maintenance services are highly experienced in azure cloud as well as other clouds. Many of our team members hold Azure certifications, and they have worked on numerous client projects throughout their careers.

    How do you schedule maintenance activities?

    We schedule maintenance activities after consulting with your teams and understanding product roadmaps. We also ensure that the maintenance activities are carried out with minimal downtimes, and at times when the load on your infrastructure is pretty less.

    Why should I have an Azure support services team?

    If you have multiple enterprise applications running on Azure, it is important to have an Azure support services team because -

    • They can help minimize application downtimes
    • They can keep Azure Cloud secure for your use cases
    • They can help you reduce costs by right-sizing servers and other infrastructure.

    Do you sign NDAs?

    Yes, every team member who works on your projects will sign an NDA, and we enforce it strictly. Our teams will not disclose or discuss your project details with anyone else.

    Do you use the latest monitoring tools?

    Yes, our teams use all the latest tools that enable us to deliver exceptional support and maintenance services to our clients.

    Do you provide documentation about support queries?

    Yes, we provide extensive documentation about everything we do, and we also provide solutions and FAQ sections in our documentation to help your teams in the future.

    What are the engagement models for Azure support?

    We provide multiple flexible engagement models to work with many different businesses. With us, you can either hire a single person or a dedicated team, or you can have staff augmentation for your Azure support needs.

    Do you help in lowering cloud costs?

    We try to find cost optimization areas and provide recommendations to reduce cloud costs by removing unnecessary services and cloud resources. This can help you in reducing cloud costs in the long run.

    Can you help me migrate apps to Azure?

    Yes, our Azure support services teams can help you migrate apps from any cloud to Azure and realize the awesome benefits and features of the Azure environment.