Are you confused about the cost to hire remote Angular developers? Get all the answers here in this blog.

Angular is a well-known framework with many powerful features for creating dynamic apps for the web and mobile devices.

Even if there are other new technologies on the market, Angular still has a high demand. Businesses can hire Angular developers to create sophisticated or complex web applications with ease.

Angular projects are simple to manage, offering reusable components that reduce development costs and time. Because of this, business owners favor using the Angular framework for their upcoming projects.  

Finding an Angular development company when you search the market for one will be challenging. Dedicated Angular developers are in high demand, like other software developers with particular skill sets. 

This article will discuss the factors affecting hiring Angular developers and the aspects you should consider.

Factors affecting the cost to hire Angular Developers

The cost of a dedicated developer dramatically impacts how much time and money are spent on projects in the world of software development. It can take more work to determine the exact cost of hiring developers.

Factors affecting the cost to hire Angular Developers

A dedicated Angular developer specializes in a specific skill set and usually charges a fixed, predictable fee. However, the project’s size and feature complexity also affect these skill sets and time commitments. 

Here are some common questions that arises whenever opting to hire Remote Angular Developers,

  • What is the actual Project Size?
  • Describe the Complexity of Features required?
  • What type of Engagement Model do you prefer?
  • What is your preference for Team Composition?
  • What is the stipulated Project Deadline?
  • Do you need any 3rd Party Integration for your project?

Let’s start by looking at the factors affecting the cost of hiring an Angular developer.

Project scale

The project’s scope significantly impacts the cost to hire remote Angular developers. When you engage freelance developers, they charge by the hour. Their rates rise in direct proportion to the number of hours worked.

As a result, the project’s scale and use case determine the cost of hiring a remote Angular developer.

Small-scale projects

A small-scale project will have limited functionality and require less time and effort than a medium or enterprise-level project.

For example, a simple function like user profile creation is similar to submitting a web form on a website where input data is recorded and stored. Also, users’ profiles display the same information.

When no sophisticated integrations are required, the cost is reduced because you may not need a complete team of developers.

These projects have few requirements and only require basic features and functionality. As a result, any Angular developer with less experience may tackle this project, and because development time is shorter, the cost is also lower.

So, the approximate hourly rate for hiring a dedicated angular developer for a small-scale project is between $30 to $60

Medium-scale project

Medium-scale applications may require more operational features, bespoke APIs, and third-party connections than small-scale apps. This also impacts the cost to hire remote Angular developers.

Consider integrating a chatbot into your web application. Developing such a feature is complex and needs a large team of developers, making it more expensive than a small-scale project. You will require specialized APIs for integrations and trigger actions to activate chatbot services automatically.

Mid-sized projects have more demands than smaller projects since they leverage third-party connections and APIs to enhance the appeal of their products. The cost of creating an Angular app increases since some third-party links are fee-based.

The approximate hourly rate for hiring a dedicated angular developer for a medium-scale project is between $50 to $90

Large enterprise-level projects

Hiring more people to build an enterprise-level program may be expensive because it may need many advanced features, sophisticated integrations, and complicated administration systems. 

It would help if you had multiple development teams since businesses require beneficial features with secure access throughout the organization.

Enterprise-grade projects may require development, QA, and testing teams. Frequently, these teams operate in a DevOps environment. To work within the DevOps culture, you need many developers with advanced skills and expertise, which raises costs compared to small- or medium-sized projects. 

So, the approximate hourly rate for hiring a dedicated angular developer for a large-scale project is between $60 to $120

Complexity-level of Features

The cornerstone of an application is its features. It determines how everything is built and works. Simple or sophisticated features impact an application’s development and other aspects. 

The longer it would take to complete, the more complicated the features would be. That will thus affect how much it costs to hire Angular developers.

For example, you could use Angular to build a location-based web application with GEO technology, real-time position monitoring, data processing, and AI-based algorithms. These features will demand more time and work during the Angular development phase, and experienced or skilled developers can only enable them.

The total development time for a simple or average Single Page Application (SPA) may range from 400 to 950 hours. So, the price range for hiring a dedicated angular developer for such a project is between 9500 USD and 22,500 USD.

And it can take between 600 and 1200 developing hours to create a complex level SPA. So, the complexity of your application’s features will determine how much time is needed for development, ultimately affecting the cost of hiring.

Developer Experience

The cost of developing an Angular app depends on the developer’s knowledge and skill set. Understanding certain front-end application development skill sets might influence the cost of development.

Junior developer

Junior developers fall into two categories: those who have recently entered the application development environment or those with experience ranging from 0 to 3 years. To finish the successful Angular app development, they have essential knowledge of front-end development and database ideas.

Below are the approximate pricing for a junior developer on the entire project.

Country Cost
USA $ 70,000+
Australia $ 70,000+
UK $ 60,000+
Singapore $ 38,000+
France $ 40,000+
India $ 25,000+

Mid-level developer

Developers who meet the criteria for the mid-level of developers have experience spanning more than 4 to 6 years. The developers are competent in front-end programming, have some experience, and are familiar with the fundamentals of best JavaScript frameworks.

Below are the approximate pricing for a mid-level developer on the entire project.

Country Cost
USA $ 90,000+
Australia $ 95,000+
UK $ 75,000+
Singapore $ 60,000+
France $ 55,000+
India $ 40,000+

Senior developer

Those with more than 6+ years of experience in front-end application development are regarded as highly experienced professionals. These developers have extensive experience and a solid understanding of technology. These programmers can manage large projects and contribute technical excellence and leadership abilities.

Below are the approximate pricing for a senior developer on the entire project.

Country Cost
USA $ 120,000+
Australia $ 130,000+
UK $ 100,000+
Singapore $ 80,000+
France $ 75,000+
India $ 60,000+

Developer Skill Set

The degree of expertise a developer has dramatically impacted how much they charge for an Angular project.

A business that hires new developers must invest money in training to provide them with the skills required to do their jobs to a high standard. Suppose a company wants to follow a low-cost hiring strategy involving less experienced people. In that case, it may need to consider higher training expenses than hiring more experienced developers who require less training.

The basis of recruiting decisions is the skill set of Angular developers, directly affecting the general price of hiring Angular developers. 

Your projects can benefit from having an in-depth understanding of the Angular framework and expertise in optimizing app development. 

Hence, here are some Angular-related skills you might look for while hiring.

Developer Skill Set

Modules and Components

Developers working with the Angular framework must know the many components and modules. These skills enable developers to boost your application’s performance and create a better user interface. 

Although its MVVM architecture, which permits two-way binding between View and ViewModel, works well with it, it is embedded with MVC at its heart.


Working experience with templates might be an excellent complement to the basic skill sets when evaluating Angular developers.

In addition to the templates, developers’ familiarity with external libraries like ng-bootstrap, Angular Material, etc., can be a bonus and help create a top-notch user interface.

Build tools

Many Angular build tools are available, including Angular CLI, Angular Schematics, Webpack, and Angular Material. You must be familiar with these tools for your app to include custom services, components, and modules.

Also Read: Diving Into Top AngularJS Development Tools For Creating Web Apps


Typescript, a superset of Javascript, serves as the basis for Angular. This means that even a developer of JavaScript can manage TypeScript coding to some level. Thus it’s crucial to determine if the developer is familiar with or just one of them.

Freelancers or Dedicated Developers : Ideal Choice for Hiring Angular Developers

Dedicated Developers vs Freelancer Developer

Whether you engage a freelancer or a dedicated developer, the cost to hire a remote Angular developer can change. 


Freelance developers are your best option if you need help with a project that has a specific scope and a set budget.

They can be hired through a contract that outlines the duration of the employment, the specifications for the project, and its scope. Because of their hiring flexibility, independent coders are in high demand.

Hiring a freelancer has disadvantages, such as the work’s quality. For instance, a freelancer may juggle numerous clients, resulting in mediocre work.

In addition to quality, you have little control over productivity, so you must allocate enough resources to foster better cooperation.

Dedicated Developers

Although hiring a specialized development team can be expensive, it can have more advantages than using freelancers. A dedicated group of Angular developers provides flexibility that doesn’t constrict the scope of your project.

Such developers are generally engaged through a software development company, and the weight of execution falls on their shoulders.

With a committed workforce, you get skilled developers who provide improved quality, increased efficiency, and the capacity to scale your applications. Thus, hiring a dedicated development team rather than many independent contractors makes much more sense.

Popular Engagement Models for Hiring Angular Developers

Short-term Project

Some freelance software developers may charge more than others, depending on the industry. This might happen since the market needs their skill set. For instance, many independent developers specialize in developing mobile apps. 

They may charge a greater rate than other partnership models because of the strong demand for their services and short project length.

Long-term Project

Companies may engage Angular developers full-time rather than contract work with independent developers. This could lower the cost of hiring developers. This is possible because the HR department can pay internal staff less than developers charge outside contractors. 

But, it’s crucial to remember that in-house employees may bill more if they live in an area with a high cost of living. However, they might incur additional charges due to equipment, perks, and healthcare coverage.

Staff Augmentation

Staff augmentation is the process by which an organization hires an outside team to work on particular projects. A company may employ full- or part-time workers to perform system maintenance, testing, and other tasks.

Staff augmentation is far more reasonable than employing a freelancer for short-term cooperation, but it is still more expensive than working internally. If a project has been ongoing for over a year and you want to avoid hiring an in-house developer, consider using staff augmentation.

Geographical cost to hire a remote Angular developer

The cost of developing an Angular web app varies by country. If you’re wondering how much it costs to hire an Angular app developer, the costs will vary based on where your app is constructed. 

Geographical Cost to Hire a Remote Angular Developer

The entire development team can efficiently and economically outsource from beginner to senior developers. As a result, remote workers who live in lower-cost countries may establish lower rates than an in-house developer who works in a higher-cost area. 

Hiring developers from a top Angular development company in India, will be less expensive than employing developers from other countries.

For example, hiring a senior Angular developer in North America might cost $157,440 per year, whereas, in Asia, it can reach $9,533.

The price of Angular development in the United States will differ from that in India. The average monthly Angular app development cost in the United States will be roughly $4000; in Australia, it will be $3200.

Cost for hiring Angular Developers in Asia

Compared to other regions, Asia offers highly qualified Angular talent at lower prices. Conversely, India is the most affordable option for hiring developers with varying degrees of experience.

Location Hourly rate
Eastern Asia $50 – $60
Central Asia $35 – $50
Southern Asia $15 – $25
Western Asia $40 – $60
South- East Asia $40 – $60

The average Angular hourly rate for developing websites and mobile apps in Asia ranges approximately from $30 to $60, depending on the location.

Cost for hiring Angular developers in Africa

The approximate cost of hiring an Angular developer in Africa ranges approximately from $35 to $60. These Angular hourly prices change depending on the area you select for application development.

Location Hourly rate
Eastern Africa $40 – $60
Western Africa $40 – $60
Southern Africa $41 – $60
Northern Africa $35- $60

Cost for hiring Angular developers in USA

The average hourly wage for an Angular developer in the USA is approximately between $60 and $100.

Location Hourly rate
USA $70 – $100
Canada $60 – $80

Cost for hiring Angular developers in Europe

The average cost of hiring an Angular developer in Europe ranges approximately from $45 to $81, depending on the area you select for developing your Angular project.

Location Hourly rate
Eastern Europe $45 – $65
Western Europe $50 – $81

Cost for hiring Angular developers in Latin America

The approximate hourly rate to hire an Angular developer in Latin America for effective application development is from $45 to $65.

Location Hourly rate
Mexico $45 – $65
Colombia $45 – $65
Argentina $48 – $65
Brazil $42 – $65
Chile $50 – $65
Uruguay $50 – $70



Angular is one of the most popular front-end frameworks. This JavaScript framework is perfect if you require an extremely reliable and scalable application. But selecting the best resource can be time-consuming and frequently complicated.

Furthermore, hiring a remote Angular developer depends on your organization’s unique needs and the kind of engagement model you are best suited for.

From startups to Fortune 500 enterprises, Angular is the finest choice for any requirement. If you want to use this framework to build a feature-rich and intuitive web application, you only need to engage a reputable Angular development company.

Why use eSparkBiz for your Angular development?

eSparkBiz is a leading AngularJS development firm in India. With over 12 years of industry experience, we create easy and robust web apps for unique business models. And we have a dedicated team of developers who can demonstrate their superiority in service quality. Also, they offer unparalleled abilities and subject understanding in all modern languages and platforms for your benefit. Again, our client retention rate is 90%, which speaks much about our service quality.

We provide 15 day risk-free trial to experience our services. The estimated cost for junior developers starts from $1920  to $2400, for mid-level developers, $2400 to $2880, and for senior developers, $2880 onwards.

Harikrishna Kundariya

CEO, eSparkBiz

Harikrishna Kundariya, a marketer, developer, IoT, chatbot and blockchain savvy, designer, co-founder, Director of eSparkBiz @Software Development Company where you can Hire Software Developers. His 14+ experience enables him to provide digital solutions to new start-ups based on Web app development.
Frequently Asked Questions
  1. How much does it cost to develop an Angular web app?

    The cost of developing an Angular web app is determined by several factors, including the app's complexity, the number of features and functions desired, the time required to construct the app, the platform of development, the size of the team, and the country of origin of the development team. Also, if you hunt for a top Angular development company in India, you can get a low development cost.

  2. What does it cost to hire an Angular developer?

    The cost of hiring Angular developers in India is substantially lower than in any other country, and you will also enjoy significant cost savings. You may employ Junior Angular developers with 1-3 years of experience for $1920 - $2400/month and Senior developers with 5+ years of experience for $2880/month or more from a reputable offshore development company like eSparkBiz.

  3. Why hire Angular developers from India?

    Indian Angular developers are experienced in creating high-quality web applications for clients. They have the extensive technical knowledge and always deliver the most significant outcomes. Hiring an Indian developer costs around $15 per hour, compared to $50-$100 in developed countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia.